Research Projects
Sept. 2018 – to date |
Director, Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería (ISCI), ANID Excellence Research Center (programa Basal). |
Mar. 2024 – Mar. 2027 |
Co-investigator, Research Project “The Efficiency of Urban Transport Policies”. Research grant 1241734, FONDECYT, Chile. |
Mar. 2020 – Mar. 2023 |
Co-investigator, Research Project “Optimal Departure from Marginal Cost Pricing of Transport Externalities”. Research grant 1200801, FONDECYT, Chile. |
Mar. 2019 – Mar. 2022 |
Principal Investigator, Research Project “Externalities, income segregation and the structure of cities: the role of transport policies”. FONDECYT, Chile. |
Mar. 2016 – Mar. 2019 |
Principal Investigator, Research Project “Efficiency and complementarity of transit subsidies, dedicated bus lanes, congestion pricing and other engineering and design measures”. Research grant 1161032, FONDECYT, Chile. |
Mar. 2013 – Mar. 2015 |
Principal Investigator, Research Project “Is road capacity expansion a self-defeating policy? An economic analysis”. Research grant 1130133, FONDECYT, Chile. |
2011 to date |
Key Researcher at the Millenium Institute “Complex Engineering Systems”. Research Institute funded by Iniciativa Cientifica Milenio, MIDEPLAN, Chile. |
Mar. 2009 – Mar. 2011 |
Principal Investigator, Research Project “Transport Gateways: Analysis of Competition, Regulation And Market Performance”. Research grant 1090187, FONDECYT, Chile. |
2008 |
Principal Investigator, Incentive to International Cooperation Project, “Privatization and Regulation of Airports: Economic Foundations for Public Policy”. Research grant 7080085, FONDECYT, Chile. |
Mar. 2007 – Mar. 2009 |
Principal Investigator, Research Project “Privatization and Regulation of Airports: Economic Foundations for Public Policy”. Research grant 1070711, FONDECYT, Chile. |
2007 - 2011 |
Junior Researcher with the Millenium Institute “Complex Engineering Systems”. Research Institute funded by Iniciativa Cientifica Milenio, MIDEPLAN, Chile. |
Sep. 2002 - Mar. 2003 |
Co-researcher in the project “An interpretative survey of gasoline consumption demand by passenger automobiles: Focus on short and long run price elasticities”. Transport Canada, Policy and Coordination Branch, Economic Analysis Division. |
Work in progress
"A Two-Stage Model of R&D with Endogenous Timing in Quantity Competition"; (with Pedro Jara-Moroni)
"A practical approach for curbing congestion and air pollution: Driving restrictions with toll and vintage exemptions"; (with Juan Pablo Montero & Felipe Sepulveda)
"Tacit Semicollusion"(with Thomas W. Ross & Vartan Shadarevian)
"The effects of public transportation on urban form"(with Matias Navarro & Hugo Silva)
"Frequent flyer programs, moral hazard and rewards per miles vs per dollar" (with Fernando Feres & Raúl Pezoa)
"Robust Regulation" (with Nicolás Figueroa & Nicolás Inostroza)
"Bus corridor delay functions for economic analysis of urban transport policies" (with Cristián Cortés & Jaime Orrego)
"The efficiency of queuing in Bus Rapid Transyt systems - a dynamic congestion approach"(with Fernando Feres & Hugo Silva)
"Slot auctions and trade at congested airports"(with Javiera de la Carrera & Hugo Silva)
"Urban Road Congestion Management - Capacity Investments and Pricing Policies"(with Ignacio Riquelme & Hugo Silva)