
Research Projects

Sept. 2018 – to date

Director, Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería (ISCI), ANID Excellence Research Center (programa Basal).

Mar. 2024 – Mar. 2027

Co-investigator, Research Project “The Efficiency of Urban Transport Policies”. Research grant 1241734, FONDECYT, Chile.

Mar. 2020 – Mar. 2023

Co-investigator, Research Project “Optimal Departure from Marginal Cost Pricing of Transport Externalities”. Research grant 1200801, FONDECYT, Chile.

Mar. 2019 – Mar. 2022

Principal Investigator, Research Project “Externalities, income segregation and the structure of cities: the role of transport policies”. FONDECYT, Chile.

Mar. 2016 – Mar. 2019

Principal Investigator, Research Project “Efficiency and complementarity of transit subsidies, dedicated bus lanes, congestion pricing and other engineering and design measures”. Research grant 1161032, FONDECYT, Chile.

Mar. 2013 – Mar. 2015

Principal Investigator, Research Project “Is road capacity expansion a self-defeating policy? An economic analysis”. Research grant 1130133, FONDECYT, Chile.

2011 to date

Key Researcher at the Millenium Institute “Complex Engineering Systems”. Research Institute funded by Iniciativa Cientifica Milenio, MIDEPLAN, Chile.

Mar. 2009 – Mar. 2011

Principal Investigator, Research Project “Transport Gateways: Analysis of Competition, Regulation And Market Performance”. Research grant 1090187, FONDECYT, Chile.


Principal Investigator, Incentive to International Cooperation Project, “Privatization and Regulation of Airports: Economic Foundations for Public Policy”. Research grant 7080085, FONDECYT, Chile.

Mar. 2007 – Mar. 2009

Principal Investigator, Research Project “Privatization and Regulation of Airports: Economic Foundations for Public Policy”. Research grant 1070711, FONDECYT, Chile.

2007 - 2011

Junior Researcher with the Millenium Institute “Complex Engineering Systems”. Research Institute funded by Iniciativa Cientifica Milenio, MIDEPLAN, Chile.

Sep. 2002 - Mar. 2003

Co-researcher in the project “An interpretative survey of gasoline consumption demand by passenger automobiles: Focus on short and long run price elasticities”. Transport Canada, Policy and Coordination Branch, Economic Analysis Division.

Work in progress

"A Two-Stage Model of R&D with Endogenous Timing in Quantity Competition"; (with Pedro Jara-Moroni)

"A practical approach for curbing congestion and air pollution: Driving restrictions with toll and vintage exemptions"; (with Juan Pablo Montero & Felipe Sepulveda)

"Tacit Semicollusion"(with Thomas W. Ross & Vartan Shadarevian)

"The effects of public transportation on urban form"(with Matias Navarro & Hugo Silva)

"Frequent flyer programs, moral hazard and rewards per miles vs per dollar" (with Fernando Feres & Raúl Pezoa)

"Robust Regulation" (with Nicolás Figueroa & Nicolás Inostroza)

"Bus corridor delay functions for economic analysis of urban transport policies" (with Cristián Cortés & Jaime Orrego)

"The efficiency of queuing in Bus Rapid Transyt systems - a dynamic congestion approach"(with Fernando Feres & Hugo Silva)

"Slot auctions and trade at congested airports"(with Javiera de la Carrera & Hugo Silva)

"Urban Road Congestion Management - Capacity Investments and Pricing Policies"(with Ignacio Riquelme & Hugo Silva)